Welcome to KoboToolbox Academy
High quality learning resources to support data-driven impact
KoboToolbox Academy offers high quality self-paced courses, created by Kobo staff learning design experts and the developers of KoboToolbox. As part of our mission, KoboToolbox Academy provides accessible learning content to help individuals and organizations use innovative data technology to create positive change. Designed to meet a diverse range of needs—from beginner to advanced and from survey design to analysis—, our courses are developed specifically for the global KoboToolbox user community.
Our learning resources help make data collection accessible to everyone.
Self-paced learning content to improve your data collection skills.
Aprende a desarrollar potentes formularios de recolección de datos, a recolectar datos de manera eficiente y a gestionar proyectos de impacto con KoboToolbox.
Designed specifically for humanitarian organizations to provide an overview of the humanitarian needs assessment process.
Apprenez à développer des formulaires performants, à collecter des données efficacement et à gérer des projets impactants avec KoboToolbox.
Learn how to build complex survey forms using XLSForm and collect more accurate, detailed data with KoboToolbox.
Learn how to develop powerful data collection forms, collect data efficiently, and manage impactful projects with KoboToolbox.
KoboToolbox Academy is community driven. Share your feedback with us.